सप्ताहांत: आओ! हम बनाएं, सकारात्मक वातावरण

लॉकडाउन में घरों में बंद रहने के कारण और कोरोना से संबंधित दुःखद खबरें देख-पढ़ कर ज्यादातर लोग अवसादग्रस्त हो रहे हैं। गुस्सा, चिड़चिड़ापन की शिकायतें आ रही हैं। ऐसी दशा में कुछ लोग आत्मघाती कदम भी उठा लेते हैं और अपने पूरे परिवार को तबाह कर लेते हैं। यह सब सकारात्मक वातावरण के अभाव में हो रहा है। यदि हम सकारात्मक वातावरण में रहें और सकारात्मक वातावरण न होने पर् उसका निर्माण कर् लें तो ऐसी दुखद घटनाओं को होने से रोका जा सकता है या कम किया जा सकता है।
माहौल का बहुत फर्क पडता है। जब हम किसी की शवयात्रा के दौरान शमशान घाट पर होते हैं तो संसार से विरक्ति, जीवन के प्रति निराशा के भाव मन में आने लगते हैं। यदि हम अस्पताल में किसी मरीज़ को देखने जाते हैं तो वहां का माहौल देख कर मन दुखी होने लगता है, ऐसा महसूस होता है जैसे संसार में दुख ही दुख है और कोई भी सुखी नहीं हैं| यदि हम जेल, कचहरी या अदालत में जाते हैं तो प्रतीत होता है कि दुनिया अपराधियों से भरी पडी है। ऐसे ही यदि हम किसी शादी समारोह में या किसी होटल में किसी कार्यक्रम में होते हैं तो सारे दुखों को भूल कर नाचने लगते हैं, ऐसा लगता है जैसे चारों ओर सुख ही सुख है। यह सब माहौल का ही असर होताहै।
सकारात्मक माहौल का कितना फर्क पडता है इसके अनेक उदाहरण हैं। हाथी और घोडी की कहानियाँ आपने पहले भी सुनी ही होंगीं, परंतु माहौल पर हो रही चर्चा के संदर्भ में वो प्रकरण समीचीन हैं और उनका यहाँ वर्णन प्रासंगिक ही होगा।
एक राजा की सेना का हाथी दलदल में गिर गय । बहुत कोशिश के उपरांत भी बाहर नहीं निकाला जा सका तो राज पंडित से उपाय करने को कहा गया। राजपंडित ने कहा “जैसे माहौल में हाथी रहता था वैसा ही माहौल बनाइये, देखिये हाथी तुरंत बाहर आ जायेगा।” ऐसा ही किया गया| चूंकि वह सेना का हाथी था, इस लिये युद्ध का माहौल बनाया गया। दुंदुभी बजाई गई, ढोल नगाडे वाले बुलाये, सैनिकों की पद्चाल कराई गई। हाथी को लगा कि युद्ध होने वाला है, सैनिक आ रहे हैं, सेनापति मेरा इंतज़ार कर रहे होंगे। उसमें अतिरिक्त जोश का संचार हो गया। उसने बाहर आने के लिये अपनी ओर से भी जोर लगाया और बाहर आ गया।
घोडी वाला प्रकरण भी व्यंग्य के रूप में काफी प्रचलित है कि ताँगेवाला घोडी के आगे थोडी थोडी देर बाद नाचता था तभी वो आगे चलती थी। ताँगे वाले से जब इसका कारण पूछा गया तो बोला कि ये बारात के दूल्हे की घोडी है, इसके सामने बारात का माहौल बनाना पड्ता है, तभी यह चलती है,आगे बढ़ती है। यद्यपि यह व्यंग्य है, परंतु इसमें जो संदेश छिपा है वो यही है कि माहौल का बहुत ज्यादा असर होता है।
अपना भी एक उदाहरण है, जो अनुभूत है।बैंक की परीक्षा में जो लोग टॉप करते थे उनका बड़ा नाम होता था, बैंक की पत्रिका में उनके साक्षात्कार छपते थे, चारों ओर से प्रशंसा की बारिश होती थी, अब भी ऐसा ही होता है। मेरे मन में भी इच्छा जागृत हुई कि मुझे भी टॉप करना है। तो मैंने क्या किया कि अपने स्टडी रूम में चारों ओर अंग्रेजी का T बड़ा-बड़ा लिख कर चिपका दिया। इसका बहुत असर हुआ।
पुराने परिवारों में अभी भी गर्भवती महिलाओं के कमरे में लड्डू गोपाल, रामलला, देवी, दुर्गा के चित्र लगाए जाते हैं ताकि गर्भस्थ बच्चे का चरित्र दुर्गा या राम, कृष्ण जैसा हो।
इन सभी उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है कि सकारात्मक वातावरण तो बनाना होता है, यह आपके ऊपर है कि आप को क्या पसंद है, आप संगीत सुनें, हंसी मजाक वाले सीरियल देखें, बिना बात के हंसें, ताली बजाएं, कोई धार्मिक पाठ करें या अच्छी पुस्तकें पढ़ें।
– सर्वज्ञ शेखर
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Let’s Create a Positive Environment
Most people are becoming depressed due to being locked in homes in lockdown and seeing sad news related to Corona. There are complaints of anger, irritability. In such a situation, some people take suicidal steps and destroy their entire family. All this is happening in the absence of positive environment. If we live in a positive environment and build it if there is no positive environment then such tragic events can be prevented or reduced.
There is a lot of difference in the atmosphere. When we are at the crematorium during some funeral procession, feelings of desperation, despair towards life start coming to mind. If we go to see a patient in the hospital, then after seeing the atmosphere there, the mind starts to feel sad, it feels as if there is sorrow in the world and no one is happy. If we go to jail, court or court then it seems that the world is full of criminals. In the same way, if we are in a wedding ceremony or in an event in a hotel, then we start dancing, forgetting all the sorrows, it seems like there is happiness all around. All this is the effect of the environment.
There are many examples of how much difference a positive environment makes. You must have heard the stories of Hathi and Ghodi before, but in the context of the discussion on the atmosphere, those episodes are expedient and their description here will be relevant.
The elephant of a king’s army fell into the swamp. After much effort, could not be taken out, then Raj Pandit was asked to take measures. Rajpandit said, “Create an environment like the elephant in the environment, see that the elephant will come out immediately.” This was done. Since he was the elephant of the army, this created an atmosphere of war. Dundubhi was played, drums were called, soldiers were executed. The elephant felt that war was going to happen, soldiers were coming, the general would be waiting for me. There was extra enthusiasm in him. He also pushed on his part to come out and came out.
The episode of Ghodi is also popular enough as a satire that Taungwala danced in front of Ghodi a little later, when she used to go ahead. When asked the reason for the copper, he said that it is the horse of the bridegroom, he has to create an atmosphere of the procession in front of it, only then it moves, moves forward. Although it is satire, but the message hidden in it is that the atmosphere has a lot of effect.
Apna is also an example, which is felt. Those who topped the bank exam had a big name, used to publish their interviews in the bank magazine, there was a lot of praise from all around, it still happens. My mind also woke up wishing that I too had to be topped. So what I did was to write a big T of English and paste it in my study room. It has a lot of effect.
Older families still have pictures of Laddu Gopal, Ramlala, Devi, Durga placed in the room of pregnant women so that the character of the unborn child is like Durga or Rama, Krishna.
It is clear from all these examples that a positive atmosphere has to be created, it is up to you what you like, you listen to music, watch serials with laughter, laugh without clapping, clap, read any religious text or good books. Read.
Most people are becoming depressed due to being locked in homes in lockdown and seeing sad news related to Corona. There are complaints of anger, irritability. In such a situation, some people take suicidal steps and destroy their entire family. All this is happening in the absence of positive environment. If we live in a positive environment and build it if there is no positive environment then such tragic events can be prevented or reduced.
There is a lot of difference in the atmosphere. When we are at the crematorium during some funeral procession, feelings of desperation, despair towards life start coming to mind. If we go to see a patient in the hospital, then after seeing the atmosphere there, the mind starts to feel sad, it feels as if there is sorrow in the world and no one is happy. If we go to jail, court or court then it seems that the world is full of criminals. In the same way, if we are in a wedding ceremony or in an event in a hotel, then we start dancing, forgetting all the sorrows, it seems like there is happiness all around. All this is the effect of the environment.
There are many examples of how much difference a positive environment makes. You must have heard the stories of Hathi and Ghodi before, but in the context of the discussion on the atmosphere, those episodes are expedient and their description here will be relevant.
The elephant of a king’s army fell into the swamp. After much effort, could not be taken out, then Raj Pandit was asked to take measures. Rajpandit said, “Create an environment like the elephant in the environment, see that the elephant will come out immediately.” This was done. Since he was the elephant of the army, this created an atmosphere of war. Dundubhi was played, drums were called, soldiers were executed. The elephant felt that war was going to happen, soldiers were coming, the general would be waiting for me. There was extra enthusiasm in him. He also pushed on his part to come out and came out.
The episode of Ghodi is also popular enough as a satire that Taungwala danced in front of Ghodi a little later, when she used to go ahead. When asked the reason for the copper, he said that it is the horse of the bridegroom, he has to create an atmosphere of the procession in front of it, only then it moves, moves forward. Although it is satire, but the message hidden in it is that the atmosphere has a lot of effect.
Apna is also an example, which is felt. Those who topped the bank exam had a big name, used to publish their interviews in the bank magazine, there was a lot of praise from all around, it still happens. My mind also woke up wishing that I too had to be topped. So what I did was to write a big T of English and paste it in my study room. It has a lot of effect.
Older families still have pictures of Laddu Gopal, Ramlala, Devi, Durga placed in the room of pregnant women so that the character of the unborn child is like Durga or Rama, Krishna.
It is clear from all these examples that a positive atmosphere has to be created, it is up to you what you like, you listen to music, watch serials with laughter, laugh without clapping, clap, read any religious text or good books. Read.
– Sarwagya Shekhar